2008 is also a watershed for understanding Lord Jesus, the Comforter promised by Him, and Her message of the Last Judgment and Resurrection into the Kingdom of God
> 2008 is also a watershed for understanding Lord Jesus, the
> Comforter promised by Him, and Her message of the Last Judgment
> and Resurrection into the Kingdom of God. In short, this year has
> been extraordinarily enriching in enlightenment. With so much at
> stake, and so few of us to deliver the Good News, we should not
> throw pearls before swine like Anil Kumar, Alan Wherry, Edward
> Saugstad, Viktor Bodhar, John Noyce, Kuntal Sood, Raj ...........
> to name just a few of the SYSSR SYs. It is best we tell them, in no
> uncertain terms, to leave us alone, though they are most welcome to
> join and help spread Shri Mataji's message of the promised Blossom
> Time in all its entirety i.e., the eschatology of the promised General
> Resurrection to evolve from physical beings into eternal spirits,
> which Jesus gave evidence two millennia ago and promised the
> Comforter to explain it at the appointed Hour!
It is this alone that gives reality to our lives and a meaning to
human existence
"This mystical community experience also penetrates into the physical
world. It is the whole creation that, as we saw, has been restored to
unity with God through Christ, and our whole person, including the
physical body, is not discarded but is rather transfigured. That the
body itself is holy is a fundamental aspect of Christian experience.
St Paul speaks of the body as the "temple of the Holy Spirit" and
declares that "the body was not made for immorality but for the
Lord." [38] This is deeply significant. It means that sexuality is
itself holy. It is a divine energy within us. It can be used for
immorality but it can also be consecrated to God, whether in marriage
or in virginity. In both cases it is the same energy which is being
used, either externally in a physical relationship or internally in a
spiritual relationship. The ultimate aim of life is, in fact, to
convert this physical energy into a spiritual energy, so that the
body itself becomes what St Paul calls a "spiritual body", that is, a
body which has been wholly penetrated by the divine Spirit. (P.226)
This is the meaning of resurrection. Every human body is created
for the resurrection, which means for the gradual transformation of
the physical energy of the body into a spiritual energy which is no
longer subject to the ordinary laws of matter. Matter, as we know it,
is conditioned by space and time, but the body in the resurrection is
beyond space and time. This was revealed in the body of Christ at the
resurrection. He appeared to his disciples in a "subtle" body, a body
which is already not determined by ordinary space and time, but could
appear and disappear at will. Then at the ascension he passed beyond
space and time altogether and entered into the eternal order of being,
transcending this world.
We have to keep constantly before our minds that this is the ultimate
goal of humanity. This is the "new heaven" and the "new earth",
prophesied in the Old Testament and revealed in the Apocalypse of St
John. [39] This world of space and time and the human mode of
consciousness which goes with it is destined to pass away. In fact,
as the Buddha saw so clearly and as modern physics recognises, it is
always passing away at every moment. The time-space world is an
appearance, determined by a particular mode of consciousness, of
the one infinite and eternal reality, which manifests itself under
these conditions. We have constantly to learn to see beyond the
passing forms of this world to the eternal reality which is always
there. It means passing from our present mode of consciousness, which
is conditioned by time and space, into the deeper level of
consciousness which transcends the dualities external and internal,
subject and object, conscious and unconscious, and becomes one with
the non-dual Reality, the Brahman, the Atman, the Tao, the Void, the
Word, the Truth, whatever name we give to that which cannot be named.
It is this alone that gives reality to our lives and a meaning to
human existence."
A New Vision of Reality (Western Science, Eastern Mysticism and
Christian Faith)
Chapter 10, Pg.225-226
Bede Griffiths
Templegate Publishers - Springfield, Illinois
ISBN 0-87243-180-0
[38] 1 Corinthians 6:19; 6:13
[39] Isaiah 65:17; Revelation 21:1
Primary function of the Comforter is to make men holy
"Jesus solemnly assures the disciples that they will, in the future, perform even greater miracles than He. By this He means to say that through the power of the Holy Spirit, they will bring about the greatest miracle of all – the salvation of lost souls. He promises them that whatever they ask for, in connection with their ministry of bringing the miracle of salvation to lost men, will be granted them.
The theme of this section is reassurance and encouragement. Jesus gives the disciples three basic reasons they should cease being troubled in their spirits. First, He tells them that, although He is going away, He will return for them so that they may ultimately join Him where He is going (vv. 1-3). Second, He tells them that, though He is going away, He will be the only means by which men may come to God and go to Heaven (vv. 4-11). Third, He tells them that, though He is going away, their ministries are not finished. In fact, the best is still ahead. They are going, by the Holy Spirit's power, to be part of the greatest miracle of all, bringing men to salvation (vv. 12-14)."...
25 These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you.
26. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have told unto you.
Jesus now summarizes all that He has been saying in this section. Referring to the many things which He has taught them while He has been present with them in the flesh, He tell the disciples that the Comforter not only is going to remind them of these things, but also will go to teach them all things necessary to their understanding and happiness. The Comforter will recall to their minds Jesus' teachings, will enable them to understand truly and completely, and will develop and expand them into new and wonderful truths.
Jesus has referred to the coming Comforter as the Spirit of Truth (v. 17)...[whose] primary function is the work of making men holy. This is the work we call sanctification.
In v. 16 Jesus has said that the Comforter is going to be provided to the disciples by the Father on the basis of His (Jesus') prayer that He should do so. Now He says that the Father is going to send the Comforter in His (Christ's) name. These statements are essentially identical and imply a joint action involving both Father and Son."
Jack Wilson Stallings and Robert E. Picirilli,
The Randall House Bible Commentary: The Gospel of John,
Randall House Publications, 1989, page 205
ISBN 9780892659524
Advocate, (Gr. parakletos), one who pleads another's cause, who helps another by defending or comforting him. It is a name given by Christ three times to the Holy Ghost (John 14:16; 15:26; 16:7, where the Greek word is rendered "Comforter," q.v.).
Comforter, the designation of the Holy Ghost (John 14:16, 26; 15:26; 16:7; R.V. marg., "or Advocate, or Helper; Gr. paracletos"). The same Greek word thus rendered is translated "Advocate" in 1 John 2:1 as applicable to the Comforter to be sent by Christ. It means properly "one who is summoned to the side of another" to help him in a court of justice by defending him, "one who is summoned to plead a cause."
We should not throw pearls before swine like Anil Kumar, Alan Wherry, Edward Saugstad, Viktor Bodhar, John Noyce, Kuntal Sood, Raj
Dear Violet and all,
Thanks for taking the trouble to explain with love and balance an
ugly topic that crops up every now and then. i say "ugly" because
this negativity never seems to end, and is constantly attacking the
few who are trying their best to be honest and forthright about who
Shri Mataji really is and what is Her message to humanity.
Over nearly three decades Shri Mataji's advent and message has been
completely edited out by the SY organization and turned into the
official SYSSR. If not for our websites and forum set up post-2000,
there would have been no hope of humanity knowing the truth i.e., the
99.9999% of human beings who have not heard of the Comforter and the
General Resurrection etc.
i believe this year 2008 has been a watershed, a crucial dividing
point between two forces fighting for survival. i quote the recent
post to Andrzey to clarify my point:
"There are two possibilities Andrzey. You can either:
i) learn about the petty subtle system at the official SY site:
ii) study hundreds of pages regarding the advent of the Divine Mother/
Comforter and Her message of the General Resurrection at:
The difference between both is a lesson in human corruption, lack of
conscience and collective denial of core beliefs. You will be able to
teach others about mass self-deception and denial, especially if you
join a Sahaja Yoga collective to confirm my response. i assure you it
will be a very enriching experience, either way. Best of luck."
The recent Guru Puja speech could not have come at a better time, and
rids us of much constrain, guilt and negativity from SYSSR SYs. We
must now keep these subtle system SYs out of here/future organization
(s) to stop them from contaminating and corrupting a most sacred
trust. Other than Silence on Self--the innermost core of unsurpassed
enlightenment in its most simplistic reduction and comprehension--
there must be no other emphasis on rules, dress, food, religion, guru,
leadership, ritual, treatment, penance, idol, pilgrimage, or any other
human invention to participate in the General Resurrection.
2008 is also a watershed for understanding Lord Jesus, the Comforter
promised by Him, and Her message of the Last Judgment and Resurrection
into the Kingdom of God. In short, this year has been extraordinarily
enriching in enlightenment. With so much at stake, and so few of us
to deliver the Good News, we should not throw pearls before swine
like Anil, Alan Wherry, Edward Saugstad, Viktor Bodhar, John Noyce,
Kuntal Sood, Raj ........... to name just a few of the SYSSR SYs. It
is best we tell them in no uncertain terms to leave us alone, though
they are most welcome to join and help spread Shri Mataji's message of
the promised Blossom Time in all its entirety i.e., the eschatology
of the promised General Resurrection to evolve from physical beings
into eternal spirits, which Jesus gave evidence two millennia ago and
promised the Comforter to explain it at the appointed Hour!
warmest regards,
Sahaja Yoga Archives
Shakti/Last Judgment/Qiyamah Archives