SYs collectively 'crucifying' Jesus again by preventing His gospel of the Kingdom of God from completion

Dear Jagbir, Violet and All,

I am now realising how stupid was I to follow these organisations going out there called Sahaja Yoga, frankly now i can realise it, when i look back the last four year I have been practising SYSSR. The damage is serious, but anyway I have to move now the other way, by following the holy ghost within me, just that and announce the Divine Message of Resurrection and Collective emancipation of the Humankind. Its takes time to get rid of all the conditionnings and fears developed by this SYSSR.

Now I have started with my inner jihad.

Thanks for your wisdom


October 2, 2009

Dear Bertrand and all,

i am 100% convinced that the SYSSR is very destructive for your spiritual ascent and salvation as it corrupts and induces you to believe that keeping the subtle system clean (with the aid of rituals requiring lemons, chillies, footsoaks, candles, mantras etc.) and propagating that SYSSR message to others is what Sahaja Yoga is about. There is an evil force within the SY organization that has managed to suppress and corrupt the very reason God Almighty sent the Comforter. It is without question the greatest of crimes against humanity. If you have been following the recent posts then you will realize who is causing them to deviate.

So do not support the SY organization in any way as it is the very reason the Message of the Comforter has been so effectively suppressed. Bertrand, if that is not anti-Christ then what is? SYs worldwide are collectively 'crucifying' Jesus Christ again by preventing His gospel of the Kingdom of God from completion! Bertrand, you are literally supposed to remove an eye or cut off a limb if it hinders you in any way from entering the Kingdom of God. You are supposed to openly and at all times fearlessly declare the Good News of the Kingdom of God. Leaving the SY organization and completely cutting yourself from it is the only choice left if you truly understand how severe is the Saviour's dire warning.

As i said before, you will associate yourself with this anti-Christ organization at your own peril. And let me make it absolutely clear to all who support it that under no circumstance whatsoever will it survive! Absolutely not ....... and its decades-old demise is evidence of that assured outcome and finality. (John Noyce, the WCASY appointed watch-dog of this forum can take this email and present it to Shri Mataji. i will stand by every word, and that includes the anti-Christ nature of the SY organization!)

The Great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Shri Mataji has claimed that She has come to do the job of God Almighty. And to prove that, amongst many other aspects of Her Advent and Message, is our sacred and most blessed duty. She will help you with all the information, creativity and means to fulfill your desire:

"The granting of the spirit of holiness is viewed as yet to take place in the eschatological future" - B. D. Smith

If you want to be that messenger then serving His Spirit (Comforter) is all that should matter. For that you must be prepared to leave your family, friends and foes, and the problems associated with them, behind. And without question you must cut off completely from SYs who are 'crucifying' Jesus Christ again by preventing His gospel of the Kingdom from being fulfilled. Be forewarned!

regards to all,


Past hype of major SY projects and present silence of abandonment

Dear All,

i received an email stressing that "one cannot have one foot in the forum and the other one in the collective SY" and that it is "almost like the SY Organisation is making its inroads on us again". There was another email about SYs ignoring those active on this forum.

To answer both i need to present some facts first.

i have been tracking all the major projects and loud claims made by the SY organization over the last few years. Till date none of them even remotely met the intended aims and projections .... far from it. Such is the scope and surety of failure that all major projects have been quietly shelved in 2009.

No matter how much effort is put into SYSSR programs the return is almost nil or embarrassingly negligible. Remember the huge effort in Mumbai over the years?

"But the stubborn camel will drink one day, or slowly die of thirst as it is becoming evident everywhere. i recently learnt that out of about 200,000 people given self-realization over the years in the Mumbai area only 100 or so have remained i.e., about a success rate of 0.0002%. i would not want to 'insult' the Adi Shakti by quoting North American figures. Maybe now we can realize why no figures were given in the recent hyped-up NA newsletter to commence a spiritual crusade."

There is growing evidence of capitulation by SYs in Europe and North America, and the world over. You hear almost nothing of any SYs in Africa, China, South America, Middle-east and Indonesia. SYs are not only minuscule but stagnated as well in India, Australia, Britain and elsewhere. There is not a single shred of evidence pointing to any success in any country! The deafening silence of 2009 signals that.

Only the physical presence of an aging, retired and silent Shri Mataji remains, and give SYs hope and inspiration. Since Her official retirement last year, 2009 has witnessed a sudden abandonment of past projects. There is now almost no hope or evidence that the SYSSR will ever succeed, a fact made obvious by this post and recent dismal web reports of The day Shri Mataji leaves will trigger that assured end and disintegration of the SYSSR organization.

So what is there to worry or care that "one cannot have one foot in the forum and the other one in the collective SY" and that it is "almost like the SY Organisation is making its inroads on us again", and that SYs are ignoring those active on this forum. i am not the least concerned about these petty problems from SYs who dislike us for the simple reason that we insist they tell the advent and message of Shri Mataji in its entirety i.e., they be truthful and honest to the public. i feel embarrassed to have to deny speculation that the SY Organisation is making its inroads on us again when it is almost devoid of life itself! That speculation makes no sense.

All these useless speculations and distractions (negativity) only divert our attention from accomplishing the ONLY project SYs refuse to participate in - the Project to tell the Truth! (What is the nature of the negativity that have silenced so many for so long?)

i, for one, do not want that negativity to attack me from those i am contact with. It has nothing to do with being the messengers of Al Naba (The Great News). If you want to be that messenger then serving His Spirit (Comforter) is all that should matter. For that you must be prepared to leave your family, friends and foes, and the problems associated with them, behind. i hope i have put this issue to rest once and for all. There is so much of productive and enriching work over the years to be done. To be disturbed by such pettiness indeed insults both intelligence and conscience.

regards to all,

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