Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine
"i have provided hundreds of pages of irrefutable evidence and
knowledge of the Devi. i have also strongly cautioned against the
avidya that the devotees of Her incarnation, Shri Mataji Nirmala
Devi, are indulging in, and encouraging/enforcing others to do the
same. Seeking such knowledge of the Devi—while strictly avoiding/
rejecting such avidya at all times—alone makes life worthwhile, and
the attainment of knowledge completely fulfills the ultimate purpose
of existence. Such knowledge is far more priceless than Silence,
and precedes it. Without such knowledge you cannot comprehend,
far less learn how to maintain, Silence on Self. The Devi insists that
liberating knowledge can be attained here in this world. There is
nothing to surrender to Her except our ignorance and arrogance."
Knowledge is far more priceless than silence and precedes it
> i also want to make a small amendment in memory of ex-world
> leader Yogi Mahajan who was in 1995 the first to read, and reject,
> 50 pages of Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God. Yogi Mahajan then
> initiated the worldwide InquiSYtion against my children and myself. It
> did not matter that Kash, Arwinder and Lalita were giving evidence
> to his own beliefs, which can be quoted from his book The Ascent:
> "Only those who go deep in the source discover the Golden Goddess
> that resides within. Her touch enlightens and enthralls the total
> being. It is indeed the miracle of miracles. This miracle resides in
> every being. The wise pursue it, the scriptures speak of it, and the
> saints glory in its praise."
> Yogi Mahajan, The Ascent,
> Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, Delhi, 1997 p. 4.
> The only way for him to get around this obstacle was to claim that
> they were possessed by evil spirits.
> Alan Wherry, Edward Saugstad, Viktor Bodhar, John Noyce, Kuntal
> Sood, Raj, WCASY members, and subtle system SYs like you are just
> carrying on that InquiSYtion. So the recent post should have been
> titled:
> "Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls
> before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn
> and tear you to pieces." (Matthew 7:6)
> And you are right on this Anil: "Discussion is an exchange of
> knowledge whereas an argument is an exchange of ignorance." That
> is why i prefer subtle system SYs to go away as i do not want to give
> what is holy to dogs or throw pearls before swine. That holy
> knowledge and pearls of enlightenment is for the rest of humanity,
> i.e., the 99.999999% not interested in the official SYSSR (Sahaja
> Yoga Subtle System Religion).
The Third Jesus
The Kingdom of God is Within
"No matter what version of Jesus you accept, the goal of a Christian
life is to reach the Kingdom of God. Millions of believers hold that
this means going to Heaven after you die. But Jesus is much more
ambiguous than that. There is just as much evidence in the gospels
that reaching the Kingdom of God means arriving at a higher level of
consciousness. As is so often the case, you can read scripture many
ways. But I think the argument for higher consciousness is by far the
most persuasive...
Specifically, we follow Jesus' words, repeated often in the gospels,
about the need to wake up and to remain awake.
"Therefore, keep awake—for you do not know when the master of the
house will come, in the evening , or at midnight, or at cockcrow, or
at dawn." (Mark 13:35)
When we join this injunction with the one about the Kingdom of God
being within, the implication is that going within requires a person
to wake up, also. In fact, that's the only way to live any spiritual
path to the fullest. The traditional ways of devotion, service, and
contemplation don't actually solve the problem of Jesus's
contradiction between inner and outer life. Tolstoy was right: If you
take Jesus at his word, your life must be realigned completely, away
from worldly ways towards godly ones.
Because he is so absolute, Jesus doesn't offer a path of devotion
that consists of daily prayer and piety to God. He wants total,
unswerving devotion. You shall love the Lord your God with all your
heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. In other
words, every thought must be of god and every action directed towards
him. Such a teaching is unworkable except for the most pious of
recluses. The same holds true for the complete selflessness required
on the path of service and the total fixation on spirituality
required on the path of contemplation. But denying the world is a
path to extinction, which no one can advocate. Nor can we assume that
Jesus wanted us to annihilate our egos and personalities in the name
of God. It's more reasonable to assume that reaching Heaven requires
an unfolding process.
If you were able to meet Jesus today as he was in real life, there
would be a gap between your level of awareness and his—we know that
this is true when we encounter spiritually inspired people who are
far less enlightened than Jesus, the saintly among us whose
compassion reflects back our own spiritual shortcomings. If you were
to follow Jesus after meeting him, you would have to close this gap,
setting you on a path that unfolds over time. The same holds true
without a flesh-and-blood Jesus; the same gap needs to be closed
between your present state of awareness and God-consciousness.
Devotion, service and contemplation remain viable ways to transform
yourself, yet even the most devout Christians fall into the trap of
believing that they don't have to transform themselves inwardly, that
performing enough acts of devotion (attending church, praying, giving
to the poor, and the like) will suffice or that doing charitable work
among the poor and sick, or thinking about God as often as possible,
will be sufficient. Jesus warns us against this trap when he speaks,
in parable form, about seed that falls on waste ground and doesn't
sprout. The seed is his teaching; the waste ground is the mind
unprepared to receive the truth.
What Jesus doesn't elaborate upon is how waste ground can be made
fertile. He says only that some people receive a bit of the truth,
some a great deal, and some none at all. Let's assume that you and I
can absorb some of the truth, rather than all, or none. In this
regard, we fit into the category of Jesus's disciples. We are neither
hopeless nor fully realized in God. We turn to Jesus because he
understands the territory of the unknown, the source not only of a
messiah but of the soul itself...
Jesus's vision was so breathtaking that it inspired a new religion,
but without the lens of higher consciousness, these teachings seem to
be mere fantasy, a distant hope that will be fulfilled, if ever, only
in Heaven. Christians want to feel that their religion is unique,
which is certainly achieved by claiming the one and only Son of God.
But by the same token, they risk being left out of the great human
project, which began centuries before Christ and continues to this
day. This is the project of transcending the physical world to reach
the realm of the soul."
Deepak Chopra, The Third Jesus: The Christ We Cannot Ignore,
pgs. 36-52
Harmony Books, February 2008
How Deepak Chopra got into trouble with Sahaja Yoga
Fri Oct 17, 2008
> What Jesus doesn't elaborate upon is how waste ground can be
> made fertile. He says only that some people receive a bit of the
> truth, some a great deal, and some none at all. Let's assume that
> you and I can absorb some of the truth, rather than all, or none. In
> this regard, we fit into the category of Jesus's disciples. We are
> neither hopeless nor fully realized in God. We turn to Jesus
> because he understands the territory of the unknown, the source
> not only of a messiah but of the soul itself...
> Jesus's vision was so breathtaking that it inspired a new religion,
> but without the lens of higher consciousness, these teachings seem
> to be mere fantasy, a distant hope that will be fulfilled, if ever,
> only in Heaven. Christians want to feel that their religion is
> unique, which is certainly achieved by claiming the one and only
> Son of God. But by the same token, they risk being left out of the
> great human project, which began centuries before Christ and
> continues to this day. This is the project of transcending the
> physical world to reach the realm of the soul."
> Deepak Chopra, The Third Jesus: The Christ We Cannot Ignore,
> pgs. 36-52
> Harmony Books, February 2008
> ISBN:9780307338310
Today i feel so relieved that i did not participate in subtle system SYs shoe-beating Deepak Chopra, who is in their black book of false gurus. Despite being new to Sahaja Yoga i did not follow this herd mentality that is typical of most SY collectives. Few SYs have the independence of judgment to think for themselves. If a SY throws the negativity of, say, Deepak Chopra's existence into the havan, the rest just follow and bleat his despicable name like sheep. Countless SY havans have been initiated over the decades to rid the world of all types of negativity, including Deepak Chopra.
My seven years in the SY collectives were the worst years of my life and that of my family, and till today we still shudder at some of our experiences. But the Devi that my children kept daily meeting between 1993-2007 more than compensated for all the abuse, and will be so for the rest of our lives.
i did not ask the Adi Shakti about Deepak Chopra because in my heart i knew he was a very special person. His books intrigued and inspired me, and expanded my comprehension of consciousness, spirituality and the Divine Mother. That was in the 1990's.
Today we have his masterpiece, "The Third Jesus: The Christ We Cannot Ignore". It has helped me a great deal to support the message of the Comforter and Her teachings as well. But for the majority of subtle system SYs he remains a false guru, an outcast writer to be shunned at all times. Such is their poverty.
That is why is it advisable not to provoke them with The Third Jesus, as the Savior has warned us:
"Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces." (Matthew 7:6)
Deepak Chopra has done far more to uphold and promote Jesus than the entire SY organization combined ......... for the last three decades. i am willing to chisel this truth in stone. As a firm believer of all religions, prophets and Holy Scriptures i find these words of Deepak Chopra so harmonious, enlightening and comforting.
"Christians want to feel that their religion is unique, which is certainly achieved by claiming the one and only Son of God. But by the same token, they risk being left out of the great human project, which began centuries before Christ and continues to this day. This is the project of transcending the physical world to reach the realm of the soul."
Yes, the sending of the Comforter, Shri Mataji, is the continuation of "the project of transcending the physical world to reach the realm of the soul." For those of us taking part in the Resurrection we know it is the culmination of the great human project; the collective and harmonious triumph of all religions, prophets and Holy Scriptures; the promised Blossom Time to evolve into the eternal spirit!
What Consciousness inspired Deepak Chopra to pen this priceless gem:
"This is the project of transcending the physical world to reach the realm of the soul."
the heart and soul of all religions, prophets and Holy Scriptures?
And we should all remember that Deepak Chopra was never a SY, but yet exalted Jesus before the world. So who are these anti-Christ elements in SY organization who have always condemned Deepak as a false guru? And why do they refuse to uphold the Saviour, the Comforter and Her message of the Resurrection? Why and how has this anti-Christ negativity penetrated and firmly entrenched itself in the SY Church today, just as it did when the Catholic Church established itself? And who promotes Lord Jesus more - the SY or Catholic Church?
That is why is it advisable not to provoke SYs with Jesus, the Comforter sent by Him, and Her message of the Resurrection, as the Savior has warned us:
"Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces." (Matthew 7:6)
regards to all,
How Deepak Chopra got into trouble with Sahaja Yoga
Thu Aug 9, 2007
Dear Chandra,
i recall the shoe-beating session quite well because so many types of baddies were beaten by SYs. Before each baddie was punished his or her crime(s) were read out loud and clear. So as a honored juror of such an esteemed kangaroo court (and i don't mean Australia) i had to quickly judge the seriousness of the crime and calculate the number of shoebeats with my size 12 shoes as fit punishment. i remember whacking the daylights out of corrupt lawyers, politicians, doctors, dentists, IRS (Internal Revenue Service) and, of course, false gurus.
i subsequently asked SYs the reason for shoebeating when there are better alternatives. Why shoebeat a man beating his disobedient dog when it is more effective to approach and reprimand him? i always believed shoebeating was a primitive club for those unable to understand more subtle ways like being thoughtless or paying attention or surrendering entire problem to Her. Now we have evidence that Shri Mataji's original aim was for certain SYs to shoebeat their own egos, another corruption of Her teachings that over the years degenerated into a collective court to try and judge the guilty. i said "guilty" because all brought before this collective court ARE GUILTY. It is only the punishment that needs to be meted out by the judge, jury and executioner.
So when it came to Deepak Chopra's turn he was read, in absentia, a list of his crimes. The SYogini was quite angry that he had copied SY techniques and was regularly seen laughing all the way to his bank. This SYogini was so pissed that she and other SYs were making plans to petition Shri Mataji that this intellectual bandit was robbing Her in broad daylight. Since Shri Mataji was not aware despite being the Adi Shakti, these SYs were going to draw up a list of items stolen from Sahaja Yoga. They wanted to enlighten Shri Mataji of such an infamous thief of truth, as well as remind that She is seriously lacking vigilance. There were no specifics Chandra, just a vague accusation that Deepak Chopra was not only robbing Sahaja Yoga of intellectual property but souls as well, souls which could be better served and saved by subtle system SYs.
But i refused to shoebeat because it was such a ridiculous accusation. i admire Deepak Chopra for his academic background, his field of expertise, clarity of communication and impeccable as well as exquisitely precise English. He can easily qualify as the Queen's Council for spiritual law and defend the Divine. Only fools will accuse him of stealing spiritual property. But then who am i to challenge their wisdom and vibrations?
--- In, "jagbir singh"
> "Contrary to what SYs may think as ignorance, i am aware of this
> Chopra controversy. That was when i attended the Shri Adi Shakti
> Puja, June 18 - 20, 1999 at Canajoharie, New York.
> i remember the collective shoe-beating session which was followed
> by me till it came to Chopra. The SYogini explained that Shri
> Mataji was told about how Chopra was copying Sahaja Yoga and its
> techniques.
> i found it difficult to comprehend exactly how Chopra had done so
> because i used to browse so many books at stores in my search for
> Truth. i never found any resemblance to Sahaja Yoga."
> --- In, "my2 pai"
In introductory talks, Shri Mataji used to talk about the gap
between two thoughts where exists thoughtless awareness, nirvichara.
This is really quite an ancient idea. Note this quotation from the
Jnana Vasishtha: "Between two thoughts there is an interval of no
thought. That interval is the Self, the Atman. It is pure Awareness
only." (The Maharshi, Jul/Aug 1991,
Dear Jagbir,
I would like to pick up on your puzzlement over how Deepak Chopra
has copied Sahaja Yoga and its techniques. Have you ever asked the
Sahaja Yogis who had spread the allegation to specify exactly how and
in what way Deepak Chopra had infringed SY copyrights, as it were?
Even if you have done that, my bet is that nobody was able to give
you a satisfactory answer although everybody would tell you that
Deepak Chopra is a baddie who has cheated Sahaja Yoga by copying SY's
copyrighted techniques. In other words Sahaja Yogis regard Deepak
Chopra as a crook based on the vague notion that he has plagiarized
Sahaja Yoga even though nobody can say exactly how. Although we
Sahaja Yogis regard ourselves as "enlightened" people it is indeed
ironical that we can tolerate and even participate in this kind of
calumny and slander.
I shall now cut to the chase, so to speak. Deepak Chopra published
several motivational books in the nineties, probably the same ones
you used to browse in the stores. In one of the books he introduced a
system of meditation which he called "mindfullness." He explained
this type of meditation by referring to the gap between two thoughts
where one experiences thoughtless awareness. His system of meditation
teaches the meditator to expand this area of thoughtless awareness.
Sounds familiar? Of course this is also what Sahaja Yoga teaches. But
this hardly makes Deepak Chopra a copycat. As I quoted in my previous
post, no. 8219, and extracted above, this idea of the gap between two
thoughts is ancient scriptural knowledge. But no matter. The cry went
out: Deepak Chopra was copying Sahaja Yoga and its techniques!
There is every likelihood that Deepak Chopra had never heard of
Sahaja Yoga much less copied its techniques. If anyone approaches him
to tell him about his purported plagiarism he would probably respond
with a LOL (laughing out loud). If he is in a less amiable mood there
is a wide selection of more rude and insulting Internet abbreviations
for him to choose from. The joke is really on us Sahaja Yogis. If we
practise Sahaja Yoga like ignoramuses, totally unaware and unmindful
of our scriptural antecedents this is the kind of morass we will fall
into, a folly of our own making. What we need is real awareness and
indeed, mindfullness. Coming to think of it, many of our Sahaja Yogis
could well benefit from Deepak Chopra's mindfullness meditation. LOL.
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