Shri Mataji "They are stagnated at the point of dharma, so they start telling people 'you do this way,...' "

The incarnation of the Great Mother, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Shri Mataji
"Also, I have seen some Sahaja Yogis who start new methods in Sahaja Yoga: 'You do like this, so it will be alright; you do like that, and it will be all right'---because they are stagnated at the point of dharma, so they start telling people: 'you do this way, you do that way'. But when you rise to the point of truth, then you don't do any rituals, you don't need any rituals. You are not bothered, because you are in Dharma and you are standing on the truth. And truth is much greater than Dharma." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi"

(Thanks Violet for this priceless, unassailable vindication of all that we stood for all these years, a stand for which we are labeled as non-SYs by WCASY, leaders and the entire SY organization. And the truth we are standing on is much greater than all the so-called Dharma of the SYSSR lawgivers, and the thousands that follow them.)

> Understanding the Transcendent may be the key to appreciating this
> book. I had been practicing meditation for only about seven years
> when I discovered Pagels' first book over twenty years ago. The
> Gospel of Thomas and these gnostic writings from the earliest
> christians resonated immediately for I could validate it by my
> experience. Pagels quotes the gospel of Mary Magdalene, "The Son
> of Man is within you."

The inner experience of Jesus is available to all. Beware that no one leads you astray, including the thousands of fools now preaching the petty SYSSR (Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion). For the Son of Man is within you. Follow after Him! Those who seek Him will find Him. Go then and preach the gospel of the Kingdom. Do not lay down any rules beyond what has been appointed to you, and do not give a law like the lawgivers of the SYSSR, lest you be constrained and conditioned by it. Enlighten all that they only need to maintain Silence on Self in the Kingdom of God within in order to take part in the Resurrection, assured by the daily flow of Cool Breeze that the Divine Mother's Blossom Time is rooted in the eschatological fulfillment of the Holy Scriptures. There are absolutely no external manmade rules to follow!


Dear All,

In this unprecedented appended talk, Shri Mataji clarifies that fanatical SYs are not full SYs. Shri Mataji describes a full SY as someone that has the completion of their Shraddha, at which time they go beyond Dharma. They become 'Dharmatit'--where the dharma is actually established in the brain. "Then" Shri Mataji says "you don't have to do any rituals":

"Sahaja Dharma becomes a part and parcel within us, which is a very great achievement, because then, you don't have to do any rituals."

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Sahasrara Puja, Cabella, Italy - 04/05/97

Furthermore, in this talk Shri Mataji says that if a person is standing on the truth which is beyond Dharma and is greater than Dharma, they will not care for any absurd ideas regarding religion, not even the Sahaja religion, but will see the global truth within themselves:

The incarnation of the Great Mother, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Shri Mataji
"For example, a person who is standing on truth, he doesn't care for any absurd ideas about religion, even about Sahaja religion. He doesn't care that after all 'this is Sahaja, this is not Sahaja'. He goes beyond, in the sense that he sees a global truth within himself. He sees the truth which is all pervading--not only sees, but he knows and feels he is in the truth. So when Dharma flowers into truth, it's a very beautiful happening. And that should happen to all of you."

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Sahasrara Puja, Cabella, Italy - 04/05/97



The incarnation of the Great Mother, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Shri Mataji
The Truth which is beyond Dharma

Today we all have assembled here to worship the Sahasrara. As you have realized, the Sahasrara is a very important part of the subtle system. Of course this is a great day in 1970, that this Chakra was opened out. But by that what you have achieved, we have to see it. First of all, when the Kundalini rises she goes to your Void where your Dharma is and your Dharma gets established at the Nabhi Chakra. We can say "round" the Nabhi Chakra your Dharma gets established, which is your Innate Pure Universal Religion. It is established. But then your Kundalini rises higher.

Despite the establishment of the Dharma, we start becoming a little bit aloof from other societies, because we find the others miss. They have no Dharma. Also, I think we are afraid that we might get caught up with their adharmas. So at that stage we don't want to cross the limits of Sahaja Yoga. We want to keep to Sahaja Yogis, to Sahaja Yoga program, and to our personal Sahaja life. Of course it is important, because first this Chakra must be fully nourished--and the Chakra which we know as Swadisthan, actually moves around the Nabhi Chakra.

The Swadisthana Chakra is in a way very important because it supplies energy to the brain. So when Dharma is established, the 'subtler' subtle energy through the Kundalini, pushes more energy for the Sahasrara. And also, the energy for Dharma which was in the Swadisthana, also starts flowing with it, which crosses over and starts rising in the Sahasrara. Till then, I would say we are not yet full Sahaja Yogis, because one can [still] become fanatic about Sahaja Yoga.

I've seen people who are so fanatic that they cannot even meet people who are not Sahaja Yogis, cannot even talk to people who are not Sahaja Yogis, and all the time they are frightened of meeting people who are not Sahaja Yogis. Of course you need not meet people who are evil people, who are against Sahaja Yoga, who talk against it, but [meet with] those who are seeking the truth, which is our duty that we have to go to them.

So when it reaches the state where it is established in the brain, that's the time when we go beyond Dharma. We become 'Dharmatit'-- beyond Dharma, which means that Dharma becomes part and parcel of our being. We cannot lose it. Sahaja Dharma becomes a part and parcel within us, which is a very great achievement, because then you don't have to do any rituals, you don't have to worry about meeting other people, and you don't have to worry that your vibrations will be harmed. Then you don't catch from anyone. You also don't catch [from] other negative forces. No one can harm you. That I call as the "completion of your Shraddha". That is the time when Sahasrara is so fully enlightened that you 'become Dharma'.

For example, we can give the example of Christ. Christ saw a prostitute being stoned. Now Christ had nothing to do with a prostitute--i mean--just the opposite of it. But when he saw she was stoned, he took a stone in his hand. And he says that those who think they have not sinned at all, can throw a stone at me. And everybody was stunned: 'Why is he taking the side of a prostitute? He is a religious man. He should also put stones on her!' But He was standing on truth. That's exactly what happens to you when it is established in Sahasrara, that you stand on truth.

There is a little difference I would say, in Dharma and in truth. A Dharma person might become too dharmic, illogically dharmic, and go to the right or to the left. A dharmic person might think he is the superior person to others--that why should he try to save anybody else: 'Let them go to hell. Who cares!' This kind of an attitude can come in a person who is dharmic. Also, I have seen some Sahaja Yogis who start new methods in Sahaja Yoga: 'You do like this, so it will be alright; you do like that, and it will be all right'---because they are stagnated at the point of dharma, so they start telling people: 'you do this way, you do that way'. But when you rise to the point of truth, then you don't do any rituals, you don't need any rituals. You are not bothered, because you are in Dharma and you are standing on the truth. And truth is much greater than Dharma.

For example, a person who is standing on truth, he doesn't care for any absurd ideas about religion, even about Sahaja religion. He doesn't care that after all 'this is Sahaja, this is not Sahaja'. He goes beyond, in the sense that he sees a global truth within himself. He sees the truth which is all pervading--not only sees, but he knows and feels he is in the truth. So when Dharma flowers into truth, it's a very beautiful happening. And that should happen to all of you.

So many things can linger on, if you are only on the Dharma level. I've seen people going into ego, making money. Sometimes they don't even ask me and go on doing things, which they should not do. They do wrong things which are not good for Sahaja Yoga. There is no humility about it and they don't understand whether this Dharma is standing on truth or untruth.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Sahasrara Puja, Cabella, Italy - 04/05/97

Articles based on Shri Mataji quotes:
"A day will dawn when whole world would bow to this country India"
"A great war is taking place between satanic forces and Divine Forces"
"About Sahasrara nowhere in the scriptures something was described"
"Achieve your Self, become your Self"
"After all we are all human beings created by one God"
"All the people laugh at us, nobody believes us."
"All these rituals have entered into Sahaja Yoga."
"Among Muslims there are Sufis... who are realized souls"
"And now the time has come for it to be blasted.
"Announce it to all the seekers of truth, to all the nations."
"Anyone can commit any sins in the name of religion."
"But if you put one little fish and two eggs for ten people"
"But the Muslims do not want to talk about Resurrection at all"
"But this Judgment is so beautiful ... you enjoy the bliss of your Spirit"
"But you know that you have eternal life. You can never die."
"Death does not exist for you — It is finished... your spirit is free."
"Do not destroy your spirit by going to such people."
"Every religion has said you have to have Self-realization"
"For all people whom I gave Self Realization yesterday"
"He (Jesus) was the Holiest of the Holy. You accept that position."
"I don't care for your protocols and rituals. It is nonsense for me."
"I have to warn all the SYs ... Sahaja Yoga is the Last Judgment"
"I must say they are committing the greatest sin ..."
"I was with Him (Guru Nanak Ji), in fact with all of Them." - 1
"I was with Him (Guru Nanak Ji), in fact with all of Them." - 2
".... if you see around the world is in chaos"
"Indians have no goal as far as spiritual life is concerned"
"It is the greatest event of all spiritual happenings of the Universe."
"It means the Last Judgment has begun with full force"
"It will be slowly revealed by Me because ..."
"Like all the thieves of the world ... have taken over."
"Meditation is not to sit before the photograph"
"My actual sign name is Lalita ... the name of the Primordial Mother"
"Nobody has to change dresses or anything - it's nothing outside."
"Now watch. I will change the direction of the waves."
"No reality in those Divine Force working"
"Pure knowledge is not of chakras, vibrations, kundalini but of God"
"Self-Realization will progressively lead to the creation of a new race"
"Some are money-oriented ... some are violent"
"Tell Jagbir now to leave it to Her."
"That's not the way it (Al-Qiyamah) is going to work out.' "
"The expression of the Adi Shakti within you is the Kundalini."
"Christianity has nothing to do with Christ."
"The time has come for you to get all that is promised"
"The ultimate act against Spirit is to worship that which has no Spirit"
"The whole Cosmos is waiting for their arrival."
"They are stagnated at the point of dharma, so they start telling ..."
"There is so much blind faith, there is so much of wrong ideas"
"They came to Sahaja but they said "We cannot worship Goddess."
"They made Christ look like a TB patient"
"You have to enter into the Kingdom of God"
"Your job is, in a way, greater than the saints and sages."
Sahaja Yoga Archives
Shakti/Last Judgment/Qiyamah Archives
